2021-12-8 15:30:55
• 国际海洋运输业务,包括:承办各类进出口货物的海洋运输订舱、集中托运、港口交接、集装箱运输、集装箱中转及拆拼箱、散货运输、仓储分拨,并可代客户承办海洋运输保险、理货、报关、报检、结算运杂费等业务。Shipito
Read 108 Reviews
Established in 2009, Shipito is a mail forwarding company for people outside the U.S. Consumers can purchase products from U.S. businesses and have them sent to Shipito, which will then forward it internationally to the buyer.
• 国际海洋运输业务,包括:承办各类进出口货物的海洋运输订舱、集中托运、港口交接、集装箱运输、集装箱中转及拆拼箱、散货运输、仓储分拨,并可代客户承办海洋运输保险、理货、报关、报检、结算运杂费等业务。Shipito
Read 108 Reviews
Established in 2009, Shipito is a mail forwarding company for people outside the U.S. Consumers can purchase products from U.S. businesses and have them sent to Shipito, which will then forward it internationally to the buyer.