国际货代Point Lisa

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国际货代Point Lisa

美国国际航空运输操作流程:1、委托书由托运人自己填写货运托运书。托运书应包括下列内容栏:托运人、收货人、始发站机场、目的地机场、要求的路线/申请订舱、供运输用的声明价值、供海关用的声明价值、保险金额、处理事项、货运单所附文件、实际毛重、运价类别、计费重量、货物的品名及数量、托运人签字、日期等。2、审核单证单证应包括:发票、装箱单、托运书、报送单项式、外汇核销单、许可证、商检证、进料/来料加工核销本、索赔/返修协议、到付保函、关封。3、 订舱接到发货人的发货预报后,向航空公司吨控部门领取并填写订舱单,同时提供相应的信息;货物的名称、体积、重量、件数、目的地;要求出运的时间等。航空公司根据实际情况安排舱位和航班。货运代理订舱时,可依照发货人的要求选择最佳的航线和承运人,同时为发货人争取最低、最合理的美国国际空运价格。4、接货 发货人自送货:货运代理应传真货物进仓图给发货人,注明联系人、电话、送货地址、时间等。以便货物及时准确入仓。货运代理上门取货:发货人需向货运代理提供具体接货地址、联系人、电话、时间等相关信息,以确保货物及时入仓。5、出口报关 报关单证齐全后,由货运代理人代理发货人向海关申报;海关审核无误后,海关官员即在用于发运的运单正本上加盖放行章。6、费用结算发货人与货运代理人在飞机起飞前结清相关运杂费用。
South China

Since its establishment, TOPRAIL has successively participated in the organization and operation of Dongguan - Shilong trains and Guangzhou - Dalang trains in South China. After its operation, the project not only achieves remarkable results, but also wins good reputation and feedback in the corresponding regions. Accordingly, TOPRAIL Shenzhen Office is also established. By virtue of operation experience of Dongguan and Dalang trains, TOPRAIL established Ganzhou Office in mid-2017 and began to prepare for self-operation of Ganzhou China-Europe trains. In August of the same year, TOPRAIL successfully dispatched the first China-Europe train from the Port of Ganzhou, and became the first China-Europe operation platform at the Port of Ganzhou. Relying on golden geographical location and economic advantages of the Pearl River Delta, TOPRAIL has gradually formed a strong train group in South China with Ganzhou trains as the center and Shilong and Dalang trains as the support. We always provide “humanized” services, and have accumulated service experience and improved service quality and efficiency while conducting all-round communication with our customers. Depending on diversified product lines, rich train transportation experience and good service awareness, we provide our customers with optimized package train service solutions.
East China

TOPRAIL is headquartered in Shanghai, the center of the Yangtze River Delta Economic Zone, and has a complete supply and demand chain for the import and export industry. With vast market, huge demand and unique industry advantages of the industrial base, relying on the mature conditions and good customs business environment of the Suzhou-Manchuria-Europe trains, TOPRAIL guarantees that the whole transportation is reliable and stable. Under the condition that the Nanjing trains stably run every week, TOPRAIL can provide railway transportation (to Russia and Europe, etc.) services for the majority of customers from Jiangsu Province, Zhejiang Province, Shanghai, Anhui Provinces and other regions close to the Yangtze River Delta region, and maximize the freight transportation efficiency under service quality guarantee. By virtue of international ports such as Shanghai and Taicang, TOPRAIL conducts field investigation, acts according to circumstances, provides services according to customer demands, solves practical problems according to multi-dimensional factors such as location, time and space, and provide comprehensive solutions for rail-sea intermodal transportation to Europe for transit goods from Japan and South Korea.


